Metinjo is a Brazilian company, since 1974, which operates in the Special Processes (Surface Treatment) and Nondestructive Testing (NDT), meeting the most diverse segments, including: Aerospace & Defense, Oil & Gas, Energy, Electronics, among others.
Among the processes and testing are: Liquid Penetrant Inspection, Magnetic Particle Inspection, Nital Etch, Chromic Acid Anodizing, Sulfuric Acid Anodizing, Chemical Conversion (Alodine), Passivation, Molybdenum Disulfide, Phosphate, Conventional Cadmium, LHE Cadmium and Painting as Primer, Polyurethane, Painting for aircraft fuel tanks, Hard Chrome, Shot Peening, Flap Peening among others.
Company properly certified by ISO 9001, AS9100 and accredited NADCAP for Nondestructive Testing and Chemical Processes.
Shot Peening with steel shot is used to induce compressive residual stresses in specified surfaces, with the purpose of increasing fatigue strength and stress corrosion cracking resistance. Hard Chrome is a metallic coating process that involves the application of a layer of Chrome on a surface to protect it against corrosion, increase durability and resistance […]
Last reaccreditation of Metinjo by Nadcap (Chemical Processing) on August 2024.